




Developing People of Influence in the Church



escaping the low life to enjoy God’s high life

God called us to start a local church assembly as an outreach of JLM to increase our influence and effectiveness in helping others grow up spiritually. Strong, mature christian individuals and families who know who they are In Christ can change their city, province and country all for the glory of God.

The first Faith 2 Faith Newsletter was printed in January 2001 as a quarterly magazine. The purpose of the F2F newsletter is to take a recent message that Jeff has taught and put in into a faith building written format encouraging the reader to trust God, act on His Word and receive God’s results. In January 2012 Audrey had her first article included in the F2F called Audrey’s Faith Tidbit and they have been a blessing to others since then. This is another tool God has given us to Proclaim the Word unto your Soteria.


We are excited to offer strong Word based courses that impact peoples lives. These 6 one hour sessions that make up each course are filled with the Word of God and an interactive syllabus that keeps the student engaged. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17) and that is what happens in these courses.

image of logo for: I am Distinguished Conference

Everything we say, everything we do, everything we have, everywhere we go, everything about our lives is being read by others. We can be normal, average and ordinary and disappear in our world or we can be different in our thinking, talking, acting and the lifestyle we enjoy because we have a Cause. Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary defines Distinguished as “Separation, known by a mark of difference or by different, superior or extraordinary qualities.”

image of logo for: I am Distinguished Leadership Development

I believe we are created to increase our influence to fulfill our purpose. As a good manager I could steer the ship, but recognized through exposure to John Maxwell that my ability to chart the course was hindered by my lack of leadership skills. So I joined the John Maxwell Team to help develop myself and now am a Certified JMT speaker and trainer – Developing People of Influence in the Church


All for the Glory of God