







Developing People of Influence in the Church


 JLM Publishing





escaping the low life to enjoy God’s high life



What is Word Sending?


In Acts 13:2-3 the Holy Spirit said to separate Saul and Barnabas for the work He’d called them to and then they prayed and laid hands on them and SENT them away.

An acronym for sent could be:

S ending
E nables the
N ations to be
T aught the Word of God

In Galatians 3:8-9 we see that God preached the gospel to Abraham saying “In you shall all nations be blessed.” So then those who are of faith are blessed with faithful or believing Abraham. In order for us to be a blessing to the nations we also must be SENT.

The apostle Paul says in Colossians 1:25 NLT that “God has given me the responsibility of serving His church by proclaiming His entire message to you.” The way we do this is by being SENT as we see in Romans 10:13-15 “… whoever calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved. How will they call on Him of whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? And how will they preach (proclaim and publish) unless they are SENT? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of them who preach the gospel…”

We see the saved or salvation process working this way – we must be SENT so we can teach and preach so people can hear so that faith can come. By acting on what they believe and by calling on the Lord they are saved. Salvation (from the Greek word Soteria) is the result of people hearing the Word and acting on it.

Nothing else is as valuable and as important as the proclaiming of the gospel. 1 Cor. 3:5-8 reveals that God uses the ministry gifts to produce beliefs in others so He can cause increase in those believers and reward for the minister’s labors.

Paul said in Romans 10:8 “… the Word of Faith which we preach” and verse 10 “… unto salvation.”

Our (JLM’s) primary God given focus is Helping People Find LIFE, Enjoy Life and Win in life by teaching believers the Word of Faith unto salvation. By teaching them the Word of God and who they are In Christ, they will learn how to enjoy the victorious, abundant life He bought for them.

The words translated Salvation in both the Greek and Hebrew can also be translated as:

deliverance, healing, rescue, preserved, health, safety, save, make whole, liberty, avenged, prosperity, get the victory.

When we say “Proclaiming the Word of Faith unto Soteria” – these are the results we are expecting as we teach and publish the Word of God through JLM and the reward we expect you to receive from.

As you give financially to partner with us and help us, we expect Phil 4:19 for you.

My God shall liberally supply everything you need, want, your business and income, according to His riches in glory, by the anointing of Jesus.

Word Senders are those who partner with us to send the Word that God has deposited into us all over the world through:

– Ministering by invitation at churches, seminars and conferences

– The internet

– The media of audio & video

– The printed page – such as: Books, Courses and Newsletters

Producing salvation wherever we go.



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Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit